Liao Qian 廖倩
(aka joss)
b. 1998 in Guangzhou, China
based in New York, homeland of the Lenape
Proud survivor claiming space on earth. |
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Clock 山丘时钟
Kiln formed glass, copper nails, clock mechanism, copper foil, with pedestal 10" x 10" x 20", 2020
On healing
medical tape on wall, 2' x 2', 2020
“Hang in there.” / 悬垂和断足
hot casted glass, meat hooks, 45" x 10" x 3", 2020
Gentle, my darling / 门垫
glass, copper, carpet, thread, blood, 40" x 30", 2020
The Shine (material experiment no.64)
Kiln formed glass, copper nails, 20" x 35", 2018
Hey, honey, can you hear me?
2 minute video, 2017
prop: hot worked glass sticks, performed by me and Gigi Yin